Frequently Asked
Questions of the Registrar

Office of the Registrar Frequently Asked

We are here to Help!

Official/Unofficial transcripts can be requested via the online portal and picked up at Cravath Hall Suite 111 between 8:00 to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. A photo ID is required.



Transcript Request Portal

Access the change on the Academic Program Declaration/Change Form on the Registrar's Office. It is required that you meet with an advisor in your intended new major before submitting the form to ensure your major/minor selection meets your career goals as well as abides by University policy. Advisor /Dept Chair signatures are required. Once your request has been processed, the Registrar's Office will have it processed. This change should reflect immediately on your CAMS student Portal within 24 to 48 after the completed form is submitted to our office.

A "W" is not used to calculate your GPA. Refer to the University Bulletin for a definition of the "W" grade.

Students are allowed to take 9 credit hours for the entirety of the summer sessions

This form must be picked up at the Office of the Registrar. All signatures are required in order for the form to be processed.

You will need to fill out the Certification Form, which can be found below. Under the Academics Tab and click on student forms. You can have the completed certification letter emailed, mailed, or you can pick it up at the Office of the Registrar.

Certification Form

Fill out the Replacement Diploma Form located under the Academics Tab then click on student forms. The replacement cost is $65.00 and it will generally take 5-6 weeks to ship. You can email the completed form to Once you have sent to our office you will receive a confirmation email that letting you know that we have received your request. After this you can make your payment through our business office at 615-329-8546.

Replacement Diploma Form

Students are dismissed at the end of any semester if they are already on academic probation and continue to perform at a level too low to show promise of removal from probation, or if they have received a previous warning letter and have shown subsequent deterioration in performance. Academic dismissal for students admitted under the conditional admission status may occur immediately upon failure to meet any or all prescriptions outlined in the official acceptance letter.

Academic Dismissal

Students who apply as a Readmit with the Office of the Registrar, who do not attend the term of their acceptance or if they are dropped from their courses, must submit a Readmit Update Application for the next requested semester. This does not apply to those that withdraw from courses.

Accepted, But Did Not Attend

Student requirements bring proper identification to the registrar’s office in order to have the change processed a representative in the registrar’s office will complete the request.

  • Fisk students submit the results of their College Board tests to the University for evaluation and credit toward their college program achievement tests for similar evaluation and credit.
  • An entering student may receive advanced placement and course credit by scoring either 4 or 5 on the College Entrance Advanced Placement Examination Course credit must, however, be approved by the appropriate department at Fisk. A few departments may grant credits for a score of 3.
Advanced Placement (AP), CLEP Scores
  • A maximum of 62 credit hours can be transferred to Fisk.
    • Transfer from a regionally accredited institution with a total record of satisfactory performance indicated by a minimum GPA of 2.5 in college-level work.
    • Fisk reserves the right to verify all credits before accepting them for transfer. The Registrar reserves the right to consult with Fisk faculty members before determining equivalency between Fisk courses and courses submitted for transfer from other institutions. The University will accept for transfer credit only grades of “C” or above or of any grade carrying at least 2.0 quality points per credit on a 4.0 scale.

Office of Admissions

AP Test Results

STEP 1: The student shall seek a conference with and/or forward a written appeal to the instructor awarding the grade. no later than the end of the fourth week of the semester.
STEP 2: If the Instructor is no longer at Fisk or if the student is not satisfied
• An appeal may be made to the chair of the department in which the course was offered. no later than two weeks after the was awarded. This appeal should be made in writing by the student giving all reasons and providing all documents in support of the change of grade.
STEP 3: If the student is not satisfied with the outcome of the appeal process in Step 2.
• The School Dean must notify the student regarding the result of the appeal within 18 days after the written request was submitted.
STEP 4: final appeals may be made to the Office of the Provost

Appealing Grades

Students may request a change of name by visiting the office of the registrar with proper identification.

Changes of major are sometimes necessary when students' academic or career plans change or when new interests develop after the initial declaration of major. In these cases, the student should secure the change of major form (the same form used for initial declaration of major) from the Registrar. The student files the form with the Office of the Registrar and the Office of the Provost, and the student's newly selected major department notifies the student's previous department of the change, assigns a new faculty academic advisor, and opens an advising file for the new student, including the contents of the previous department's file, which is forwarded by the previous department to the new one.

In the student portal under schedule.

The CLOSED SECTION error occurs when students attempt to register for a class that is full. To resolve this error, students should register for another section of the course or select a different course. Closed course overrides are available through the academic department only during the Drop/Add period. Students will need to contact the instructor of the course and request an override and complete a drop/add form. If approved, the department will contact the Office of the Registrar and the Provost Office.

Add/Drop Form

Directory found below

University Directory

Students may drop courses without fee penalty during the Drop/Add period. Dropping or adding courses is restricted to time periods specified in the University’s academic calendar. A student wishing to drop a course must first consult with the course Instructor and his or her faculty academic advisor, obtaining the signature of each as evidence that the consultation has occurred. A student who fails to complete a course or who ceases attending class or submitting work for the course must be assigned a failing grade unless the appropriate course withdrawal form has been filed in the Office of the Registrar. The forms can be found on the website/registrar’s office.

Students can drop courses during the registration period before and at the beginning of every semester and session start. Dropping a course removes it from the academic record, (transcript), and removes course charges. Students will receive a grade of W for all withdrawn courses, during the first weeks of the semester prior to mid-semester examinations. WP/WF is an instructor-approved withdrawal where no refund is granted and the withdrawal takes place after the course midpoint, but 4 (four) weeks before the beginning of the final examination period.

Can be found on the website under Campus Safety Important Information

Campus Safety

An Enrollment Verification is proof of a student's enrollment at Fisk University, this can be for a specific term or for all Enrollment History but does not include specific course information.

Forms are located on the website

Directory Information: Directory information will be withheld if requested by the student. To withhold directory information, the student must complete the
- Name
- Address
- Telephone Number
- Major Field of Study
- Dates of Attendance
- Degrees and Awards Received
- Full or Part - Time Status

Withhold Directory Information

Grades are posted within three to five days after the end of term. Summer grades are will be posted. Check the academic calendar for exact final grade due dates.

Students must maintain above 2.0 GPA for all attempted hours.

The grade of "I" (incomplete) is given when the student has substantially and satisfactorily completed the work in a class but due to unavoidable circumstances (illness or other valid reasons) lacks no more than two distinct course completion requirements. The student must have achieved an average of "C" or better in work completed for the course and will be responsible for having a clear understanding of the requirements for the completion of the course and removal of the "I". Work done must be submitted by the last day of classes during the next semester in which the student is enrolled, and the "I" grade must be removed by the end of the next semester during which the student is enrolled; otherwise, it is automatically replaced with a failing grade (E).

Adding a course is available on the student portal. Students should consult with their assigned faculty academic advisors. If a student enters classes not advised by their advisor, the student takes full responsibility for the impact this may have on their progress toward graduation. Students who do not register during registration times will be charged a “failure-to- register” fee if they were enrolled during the previous semester.